Is that the Wolfman or Mr. Woof?
There's a guy that works at the country club that looks just like that. I got to tell you I don't understand your web-page here. Is this supposed to be for adults or is it some kind of children's thing?
That's fucked up dude, ya got Mexicans waiting on you in your country club, you Bill Clinton-looking mutherfucka!
I bought a Benicio DelToro animatronic head on a long silver poll at Walgreens.
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Is that the Wolfman or Mr. Woof?
There's a guy that works at the country club that looks just like that. I got to tell you I don't understand your web-page here. Is this supposed to be for adults or is it some kind of children's thing?
That's fucked up dude, ya got Mexicans waiting on you in your country club, you Bill Clinton-looking mutherfucka!
I bought a Benicio DelToro animatronic head on a long silver poll at Walgreens.
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