Friday, June 17, 2011

More new stuff coming this fall!

Check back this fall for the season prewmier of the Puppetboy show with all new hijinks.


Reno Hightower said...

There's something very familiar about all this.

Anonymous said...

My, my, I've missed quite a bit. You have an explanatory e-mail coming, Mr. Puppet.


Cartoonboy? How quaint.

craigz said...

lol this is a funny blog.

craigz said...

dude its fall. wheres the new stuff?

Anonymous said...

Puppetboy, it's been fall for over a month now, and we've yet to see new content. We want more Dabney Coleman! If you need help with your computer problem, just ask; I'd love to help out.

Playskool Bug World said...

You have been looking for this:

Martin Danniels said...

Hey, I thought you'd do Charles Grodin week. I mean, you did it nearly every year.

Anonymous said...

It's been winter for over a week. So, I'll take it that you mean fall 2012?