Monday, February 8, 2010

Who'd Win First Name Fisticuffs

If Dear John got in a fight with Hello Larry,Who'd Win?


Rob Bemis said...

My good friend Anthony Croce once told me that any time he heard the theme song to Dear John he had to rush to the nearest toliet and so he referred to the show as "Dear Juan" in order to not have that reaction. He had no such reaction whenever Alex Riga was mentioned though.

Rob Bemis said...

P.S.--New logo looks great. Do I get a tote bag if I pledge any money to Puppetboy?

Anonymous said...

No! Not Judd Hirsh! Mr. Puppet I'm sure you are aware that Blogspot has rules against displaying such vulgar images.

I'm pledging $25.00 for the Best Of The Puppetboy Show coffee table book and accompanying VHS tape filled with rare scenes and outtakes. I'm especially looking forward to Larry Hagman's little seen appearance when he showed up drunk and urinated all over the Willy-Pete Muppet.

Opperators are standing by?


Travis Tredwell said...

I will pledge fifteen dollars for the Sesame Street figurines.