Monday, February 1, 2010

Don't you just wanna slap this jerk in the face?


Anonymous said...

Ah, The Mentalist, poor misguided Deboura watches this religiously. Personally I don't see the attraction, both female leads are lackluster, the star himself registers only slightly on the Gayometer (I get a stronger vibe from the Oriental fellow), although he gets points for his affinity for the vest look, though he plays that look too hard. Perhaps switch up to an Earth toned turtleneck every now and then.
Although, I can see why you would want to slap a dapperly dressed, smug, arrogant.., uh, perhaps I should shut up now.


Rob Bemis said...

I heard there's an episode of The Mentalist where Ron in Jungle Garb makes an appearance. I remember when Puppetboy wanted to slap this jerk Rich Hartog in the face but then he wouldn't be able to be on an episode of Star Trek. Gotta get in my wagon and drive back to the barracks.

sherry said...

Liked him in Sex and Death 101, fairly brilliant little black comedy...

Not enough to actually make myself sit through an episode of The Mentalist, though.

Travis Tredwell said...

Actually my Uncle Rudy wants to stab him.

Anonymous said...

Shooting him from a distance is better than stabbing him. It reduces the chances of getting his blood on you, which his network mates the CSI teams will use to track you down and find you. Oh, and they will find you! Trust me, I have something of a history with them.